Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Virtual Musical Instruments - YoutTube Playlist

Syntheway Virtual Musical Instruments specializes in the development of Pro Audio Software Plug-ins for Windows based operating systems as well as for Linux platform, offering musical instruments for computer-based music production environments.

Magnus Choir VSTi Plugin Software (Virtual Choir)

Syntheway offers the following Software Synthesizers and Samplers:

- Magnus Choir VSTi,
- Virtual Sitar VSTi,
- RetroMagix Harpsichord VSTi,
- Aeternus Brass VSTi,
- Harmodion (Drawbar, Harmonium, Accordion Bandoneon) VSTi,
- Syntheway Strings VSTi,
- Master Hammond B3 VSTi,
- Realistic Virtual Piano VSTi,
- ElectriKeys Electric Piano VSTi,
- Organux VSTi,
- DAL Flute VSTi,
- Fantasize SoundFont SF2 Player VSTi,
- Zephyrus VSTi,
- Syntheway Percussion Kit VSTi,
- Virtual Room Emulator VST


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